Mahu-düa mia-si-uka poyo-na kütatogi-dabi-ti pinahei mahu müadübü-yei'i-pü.
Furthermore, when it goes on the road it rattles because it's old.
müaddübü (noun)
elder people, old ones
poyo (noun)
path, road
-uka (particle)
object case ending (distal)
-ti (verb suffix)
past/present verb tense marker
-si (verb suffix)
causation separator
-dabi- (unknown)
To [x] laying down.
kütatogi- (verb)
To move with a rattling sound, to clatter, sounding of teeth clattering.
mahu (pronoun)
he, she, it, that
yei'i- (verb)
To die or pass on.
pinahei (conjunction)
By reason of, because, for the reason that, since.
-pü (verb suffix)
one which has or has been [x]-ed
mia- (verb)
to go, to be in movement (forward)