Nüügwa paata-baa ia paba-gwae-tugu mia-si ono'oho oona-idu-hu pagwi-ga-gai.
When we get to a large opening in the river, there then we will fish.
oona (pronoun)
there, from there.
-gai (verb suffix)
In the process of going to [x].
paba (adjective)
big, large, superior
-tugu (postposition)
up to, into, through
-si (verb suffix)
causation separator
pagwi (noun)
ia (pronoun)
Over there, used when pointing something oul Used in this form also with few direction words like "go" "look" but isn't always the word used for showing direction.
-hu (verb suffix)
in an instant
ono'oho (conjunction)
and then, at that time
-wae (postposition)
to, at, in
-idu (unknown)
subject adjective.
mia- (verb)
to go, to be in movement (forward)
nüügwa (pronoun)
We (dual, plural and exclusive).
paata (noun)
lake or river