Tü-baagwa-na na-bitaw̃a-gü-gaa-dü.
He was going to get his blood checked.
-dü (verb suffix)
present tense, agent or doer of an action
nabitaw̃agü- (verb)
to get one's self looked at or checked upon by a person who can help or doctor
-gü (verb suffix)
beneficiary, to cause someone to [x], to make someone [x], to do [x] on one's behalf or for someone, to [x] in spite of someone
paagwa (noun)
tü- (pronoun)
his, hers, its
pitaw̃a- (verb)
to look at
-kaa (adverbial suffix)
Adverbial suffix which marks a verb with has resulting effect of some other action.
na- (verb prefix)
Reflexive, having [x] done to (something) using transitive verbs.