verb suffix present tense, agent or doer of an action
In the process or state of doing something. changes verbs into nouns [the one who is x-ing].
Tü-baagwa-na na-bitaw̃a-gü-gaa-dü.
He was going to get his blood checked.
A-kwaa-dü mia!
Get away!
Na-wütaagi-dü-gwae-ku üügwa nobi-tu-wei.
You all will be setting up camp in the area cleared of brush.
Haga-wa' ionoho agai-na tüka dü?
Who here is a cutthroat fish eater?
Mahu i-hutsi'-ii nüümüyaduha-tei-binaa-dü.
My grandchild likes to talk Paiute.
Uhu adzaa'a tüka-dü.
lt eats in a gross manner.
Isha'-uu-büno' naamüdüyaa-dü.
The coyote is active.
Paya-uu huu-dü-uu tümi-tei-ku.
The flowing water has become clogged up.
Tünaa-ya' üügwa ni-kaani'i-naha-neika a-wadzi-patsa-dü.
You guys are just killing our cows secretively.
Patsadongi-dü-ni naama-ti üü püünuhu üü-dii-büü kadu'.
lt feels Iike you are choking but indeed you aren't.
Nuyuha-dü mahu-büno'.
That one is slithering.
Isha'-uu-büü pungizhi'-oka u-düka-dü.
The coyote eats the mice.
Mahu tsikini'-eika a-nobi-gwae-tugu mia-si noyobi-ga-ti tü-dü-w̃ayaha-wei-na.
She's going into the chicken house to collect eggs for her mixing
Mahuw̃a takabi-na puhei-dü.
They're looking for obsidian (for arrow heads).
Kadu' üü u-nasuguwaa-dü?
Don't you remember it?
Mahu sonabü-na noo-dü.
He's hauling hay.
Mia-gwa u-kwaa-dü .
You all go on - get out of here.
Üü-wa' tabe-'üwi-dü?
Do you sleep in the daytime.
Kadu' tsaw̃u na-wütaw̃a-dü.
lt hasn't been tied well.
Kadu' ihiw̃a tsaw̃u u-yunida-dü
They didn't arrange these well.
Nüü tu'ihino pagwi-ga-daa puni-ki'ei maano-ko
I always see those who are fishing there.
Mahu pugu kadu' na-w̃adüsuyu-dü.
The horse hasn't been broken.
Nüü kwizhabiwae nüwi-tei-ku-tuha-dü.
I traveled back from Mono Lake area.
A-paakü-neika mahu tüka-dü.
That one eats the sunflowers.
Hino'oko-wa' üü tomo-dü?
How many years old are you?
Iotü-ii i-dua woosüw̃i tomo-dü.
This is my son who is eight years old.