Nüü i-weigini-wae-tugu'-uka poyoha-kaa-si u-zikütsü'i-tuha.
I ran to my car then locked it and returned.
poyoha- (verb)
To run
tsikütsü'i- (verb)
To lock with a key.
-uka (particle)
object case ending (distal)
-tugu (postposition)
up to, into, through
-si (verb suffix)
causation separator
weigini (noun)
A wagon or automobile.
-tuha (verb suffix)
To go do something and come back, to come back [x]-ing.
u- (pronoun)
Object pronoun, it, him, her, that which is furthest from the speaker. Attaches to verbs (prefix).
-kaa (adverbial suffix)
Adverbial suffix which marks a verb with has resulting effect of some other action.
-wae (postposition)
to, at, in
i- (pronoun)
my, to me