pronoun Object pronoun, it, him, her, that which is furthest from the speaker. Attaches to verbs (prefix).
Nüü i-weigini-wae-tugu'-uka poyoha-kaa-si u-zikütsü'i-tuha.
I ran to my car then locked it and returned.
Tü-bodo-moka u-zigwei-ti.
He reaches for it with his stick.
U-w̃ama nüü wanaaha'i-wei.
I'll play cards with it.
Iotü-ii ü-dapeda-ii mia-si-uka io u-wünaka-ti ü-sigi-noka.
The sole of your foot here makes noise from your shoes when you go.
Betty'-oka üü u-dütsia-tüngü-ti apo-na.
You've asked Betty to choose a cup.
Mina' heiti u-'itaw̃a-ni - Uhu münaa-ki-shi aa-taga ü-dzagwüna'i-tei-doa-pü.
Don't say anything to him. He could return and throw you aside.
Nüü u-bichugü-dei-wei.
l'm going to hold it.
Yeishi-büno' naana-uu hau-boka üdü-gu ukahina u-w̃aampa'i-ti - u-kadzumi-gu io takabichi'-uka u-wütaw̃a-ti.
And then the man made a long arrow. He secured the arrowhead to the point of it.
U-naw̃uhi-gwae nüümü-boyo-noka ü-gwütui-wei.
I'II wait for you at the end of the trail.
I-bagwi-bodo-noka nüü u-zakoti'i-ku.
I broke my fishing pole.
Tü-na-zagwi'igü-noka u-nasümu'a-pü hino'o-ko.
He/She forgot how much his/her weight is.
Nüü inihi-du'i u-naama-'i-na subaa u-düzoo-naama-na u-zabida-püga.
l almost ended up like this, feeling angry due to their feelings and their concerned feelings.
Taagwa wo'a-ga-gaa-si ono'oho-daagwa pagwi-na tü-zapudupa-wei u-w̃ama.
We'll go get worms and then we'll pull up some fish with that.
Ukahuna üü u-zotüdübi-ti tü-gwati-wei-si-uka.
You pull back on that (bowstring) in order to shoot.
A-wae a-düüna-na a-yunida-weidü ono'oho uhu u-wüü-noo-wei.
She will set out the food and then she can carry it off.
Isha'-uu-büü pungizhi'-oka u-düka-dü.
The coyote eats the mice.
Püünuhu-daa ka' u-sudabühi-ti.
But we don't understand that.
Uhu na-zasüpu'i-tei-pü u-bühü-uu tu'ihii-uu.
Its hide has been stripped off.
Ono'oho-ho payubü-w̃a u-wüküna-ti ono'oho u-wütaw̃a-ti tsaw̃u
And then he applies pressure to it with a cloth and then ties it good.
Süwüsu nüü u-wüponaa-tei-ka'.
I immediately over came him (by running).
U-minagwatü mahu.
She's younger than her.
Subaa kadu' haga piagü-noka u-düka-ba sugwei-ti.
Maybe no one wants to eat the piagü.
Mia-gwa u-kwaa-dü .
You all go on - get out of here.
Nüü i-nawaku-mago'o-noka u-buhei-ti tüka-nobi-gwae'-uka.
I was looking for my purse at the restaurant.
Taagwa Küma'a-su u-düüna-na tüka-ti.
We are eating another (kind) food.
Püyü-noka-düa taagwa u-huba-sawa-doa-pü.
We could also stew a duck.
Tu'ihii-uu müadübü mani-püga-uu ui-düw̃a ono'oho-düa ui-kudusi u-wae-ku u-hani-ki'ei-na-uu onoho na-dügü-ti.
Those who have lived long ago, their scooping basket and also their burden baskets which they prepared (foods) in have been placed there.
Uhu katü-ti aa ono'oho nüü u-baa katü-bitü-ga'.
That is where he was and then I went over to sit by him.
Üü-bü' kwizhapa'i-doka tongobü-wae-toka u-buni-ti?
Did you see the lightening in those clouds?
Kadu'u-büü nii-wuhi-kaa u-wae-tugu ono'oho nüügwa tü-noo-si nüügwa-düa pinaa-su münaa-tei-weidü.
Could you lead us over there and then afterwards we'll bring it back.
Hüzama' u-zamunuhi.
Turn it over slow.
Kadu' ihiw̃a tsaw̃u u-yunida-dü
They didn't arrange these well.
Tuwisha uhu Jamie-uu u-minagwatü.
I thought Jamie was younger than him.
I-nobi-uu kwana'a-kida' - Nüü aanaha tsayaga-tei-wei u-gahino.
My house is far away. I'm going to start walking towards it.
Ü-maya-w̃oka-ya' üü ini' u-yügwi-ti.
You do like this to it with your hand.
Uhu u-hino'o-koka manaka-ti.
He's weighing how much it is.
Yeishi nüügwa paya-dugu-uka mia-tei-ti u-bangaa-kaa-si-uka nüügwa tü-zamiagü-ti.
Then we went through the water, once crossing it we drove on.
His language.
His language.
Kadu' nüü u-buni-ti.
I do not see it.
I do not see it.
Kadu' nüü paya-oka u-buni-ti.
I do not see the water.
I do not see the water.
U-buni-ti nüü kima-ti uhu.
I saw him coming.
I saw him coming.
Isha'bugu nüü u-buni-ti.
I see a dog.
I see a dog.
U-buni-ti nüü.
I see it.
I see it.
Isha'bugu nüü u-naka'-oka u-buni-ti.
I see the dog's ear.
I see the dog's ear.
Paya-uka nüü u-buni-ti.
I see the water.
I see the water.
Ü-isha'bugu-uka nüü u-buni-ti.
I see your dog.
I see your dog.
Isha'bugu u-naka.
The dog's ear.
The dog's ear.