Ono'oho-ho tüsüyü-i'ku-si u-ba'a-tugu-su yotsi-tei-ti naana-noka u-buni-si-uka.
And then the (ostridge) had jumped on the man once he became tamed and upon seeing him.
-pa'a (postposition)
Above, on top of.
-noka (noun suffix)
object case ending (distal)
-uka (particle)
object case ending (distal)
naana (noun)
-ti (verb suffix)
past/present verb tense marker
-tugu (unknown)
-si (verb suffix)
causation separator
yotsi- (verb)
to fly, get up from bed, jump
tüsüyu- (verb)
to be used to, comfortable with, tame
-hu (verb suffix)
in an instant
u- (pronoun)
Object pronoun, it, him, her, that which is furthest from the speaker. Attaches to verbs (prefix).
ono'oho (conjunction)
and then, at that time
-tei (verb suffix)
expresses verbs in a more exclamatory way
puni- (verb)
to see