Nüü inihi-du'i u-naama-'i-na subaa u-düzoo-naama-na u-zabida-püga.
l almost ended up like this, feeling angry due to their feelings and their concerned feelings.
nüü (pronoun)
-na (verb suffix)
suffixed to verbs to make nouns
tsabida- (verb)
to be angry with or mad at someone or something
naama- (verb)
to feel (emotion)
u- (pronoun)
Object pronoun, it, him, her, that which is furthest from the speaker. Attaches to verbs (prefix).
subaa (adverb)
maybe, perhaps.
-püga (verb suffix)
have [x]-ed long ago, used to
inihi (adverb)
like this, in this way
du'i (adverb)
Nearly, almost to the point