Taagwa wo'a-ga-gaa-si ono'oho-daagwa pagwi-na tü-zapudupa-wei u-w̃ama.
We'll go get worms and then we'll pull up some fish with that.
tsapudupa'i- (verb)
To pull out (repeatedly) from an enclosure.
-gai (verb suffix)
In the process of going to [x].
taagwa (pronoun)
we (plural and inclusive)
-wei (verb suffix)
future tense
-si (verb suffix)
causation separator
wo'abi (noun)
pagwi (noun)
-mama (postposition)
With the use of, by means of.
-ka (verb)
To collect or get something by collecting.
u- (pronoun)
Object pronoun, it, him, her, that which is furthest from the speaker. Attaches to verbs (prefix).
ono'oho (conjunction)
and then, at that time