Ukahuna üü u-zotüdübi-ti tü-gwati-wei-si-uka.
You pull back on that (bowstring) in order to shoot.
ukahuna (pronoun)
that, object case pronoun
tü- (pronoun)
it, a single thing which is singled out from a number of things
-ti (verb suffix)
past/present verb tense marker
-wei (verb suffix)
future tense
kwati- (verb)
To shoot, to spear fish.
-si (verb suffix)
causation separator
tsotüdübi- (verb)
To pull back on the string of a bow.
u- (pronoun)
Object pronoun, it, him, her, that which is furthest from the speaker. Attaches to verbs (prefix).
üü (pronoun)