Subaa kadu' haga piagü-noka u-düka-ba sugwei-ti.
Maybe no one wants to eat the piagü.
haga (pronoun)
who (question), someone (statement)
-noka (noun suffix)
object case ending (distal)
-ti (verb suffix)
past/present verb tense marker
tüka- (verb)
to eat
-ba (verb suffix)
makes verbs into nouns (objects to act on)
u- (pronoun)
Object pronoun, it, him, her, that which is furthest from the speaker. Attaches to verbs (prefix).
kadu' (adverb)
no, not, is not (negates words)
subaa (adverb)
maybe, perhaps.
piagü (noun)
Pandora moth larva, catapillar stage.
sugwei- (verb)
to want