Nüü-büü pa'üdü'üdü paya-wae ia na-bakia-gai.
I am going to bathe in the hot springs.
nüü (pronoun)
-gai (verb suffix)
In the process of going to [x].
ia (pronoun)
Over there, used when pointing something oul Used in this form also with few direction words like "go" "look" but isn't always the word used for showing direction.
pakia- (verb)
To bathe by dousing with water.
-wae (postposition)
to, at, in
-büü (noun suffix)
however, but
pa'üdü'üdü (noun)
hot spring
paya (noun)
na- (verb prefix)
Reflexive, having [x] done to (something) using transitive verbs.