noun suffix however, but
attaches to the first word in a sentence to express that the information somehow contradicts any previous information
Kadu'u -büü ai-zhapitawa-gü-doa-pü?
Could you show them?
Yongo'-oka tongoa-ti Tabewano'-eika-büü tsawu-du.
Yesterday it was cloudy. Today is nice.
Patsadongi-dü-ni naama-ti üü püünuhu üü-dii-büü kadu'.
lt feels Iike you are choking but indeed you aren't.
Isha'-uu-büü pungizhi'-oka u-düka-dü.
The coyote eats the mice.
I-w̃u'a-uu-büü awa-gu-du'i tuamü-ga mani-püga püünuhu-hu ohiyei-ni yei'i-ti.
My maternal grandmother did have a lot of children but when they caught the flu they passed on.
Nüü-büü pa'üdü'üdü paya-wae ia na-bakia-gai.
I am going to bathe in the hot springs.
Uhu-büü adaw̃i-tü nüümü
He is an Indian from a different place
Kadu'u-büü nii-wuhi-kaa u-wae-tugu ono'oho nüügwa tü-noo-si nüügwa-düa pinaa-su münaa-tei-weidü.
Could you lead us over there and then afterwards we'll bring it back.
Üü-ya'a-büü nuhi ni'igijaabü.
You are a very arrogant person.
Nüü-büü i-naw̃ahii-noka tsaw̃u tü-yunita-ti ono'oho tü-wügweni-ti.
I was putting my clothes in order and then hung them out.
Aanaha-daagwa-dii-büü piagü-na tüka-doa-pü.
Indeed we could be eating piagü over there.
Kadu' taa-dii-büü nishuwei'i-weidü hiibü-wae-taa.
We shouldn't laugh at anything.
Ma'a-büü a-gatü
Sit there.
Ihi-büü aw̃oho na-bina-saw̃a-wei.
This will be re-cooked tomorrow.