I-w̃u'a-uu-büü awa-gu-du'i tuamü-ga mani-püga püünuhu-hu ohiyei-ni yei'i-ti.
My maternal grandmother did have a lot of children but when they caught the flu they passed on.
'ohiyei- (verb)
to have a cold or flu
-ni (verb suffix)
To do [y] while [x]ing
-ku (verb suffix)
Marks completion of an action
mani- (verb)
to be, to do, is
-ti (verb suffix)
past/present verb tense marker
mu'a (noun)
maternal grandmother
-hu (verb suffix)
in an instant
awa (adjective)
many, a lot
tuamü (noun)
püünuhu (conjunction)
However, but.
yei'i- (verb)
To die or pass on.
-büü (noun suffix)
however, but
-püga (verb suffix)
have [x]-ed long ago, used to
-ka (verb)
to have
i- (pronoun)
my, to me
du'i (adverb)
Nearly, almost to the point