verb suffix while.
Üügwa tu'iheiti i-'itaw̃a-ni i-nishuwei'i-ti.
You guys are telling me anything, laughing at me.
Mina' asibü-dugu-ika mia-ni - A-nahu-wae mia - Tae-dogo'o a-wae i-be' habi-ti-ii.
Don't go through the bushes. Go around it. A rattlesnake could be laying inside.
Patsadongi-dü-ni naama-ti üü püünuhu üü-dii-büü kadu'.
lt feels Iike you are choking but indeed you aren't.
Mina' makahuna a-wünoo-ni.
Don't wear that one.
Mina' katü-ni a-nübaa-ki-shoka pinahei üü watsi-tei-ku-si-uka hano-togo kadu' üü hani' mei-wei.
Don't stay if it begins to snow because if you get lost somewhere there's nothing you can do.
Tutuapi-güna-uu weijagi-ni-uka nüü-düa tübuni-ku.
While those damn kids were screaming I woke up.