adjective good or well.
Tabutsi'-uu tsaw̃u kama-ti.
Cottontails are good tasting.
Ono'oho nasümü-baa-taa-su toyobi-neika tsaw̃u-su a-wan-dugu sünei.
And then bless everywhere on the mountains.
Yongo'-oka tongoa-ti Tabewano'-eika-büü tsawu-du.
Yesterday it was cloudy. Today is nice.
Maano-ho-büü - Tsaw̃u naana üü.
Thank you! You are a good man.
Uhuw̃a tsaw̃u yuwi-dabi-wei togawano'-oka.
They will be warm tonight in bed.
Uhu tsaw̃u pabahaano tüwoobü.
It's a nice wide piece of land.
Tsaw̃u üü-düa hubia-du-kini-düa - Tsaw̃u na-naka-tei-ti üügwa.
You started singing good. You guys sounded good.
Tüba-ii-düa nuhi -zhaw̃u kama-ti.
The pinenuts taste really good.
Kadu' tsaw̃u na-wütaw̃a-dü.
lt hasn't been tied well.
Kadu' ihiw̃a tsaw̃u u-yunida-dü
They didn't arrange these well.
Nüü-büü i-naw̃ahii-noka tsaw̃u tü-yunita-ti ono'oho tü-wügweni-ti.
I was putting my clothes in order and then hung them out.
Tüa ma-hubiadu tsaw̃u.
Well then, sing a good one.