Ono'oho nasümü-baa-taa-su toyobi-neika tsaw̃u-su a-wan-dugu sünei.
And then bless everywhere on the mountains.
a- (verb prefix)
his, hers, its, to him, to her, to it
su- (unknown)
With the mind.
-neika (noun suffix)
object case ending (proximal), during
-baa (unknown)
place or number of ways.
-tugu (postposition)
up to, into, through
taa (pronoun)
We (dual and inclusive) subject pronoun.
ono'oho (conjunction)
and then, at that time
toyabi (noun)
-wae (postposition)
to, at, in
sünei- (verb)
to think something or have thoughts
nasümüdu (adjective)
tsaw̃u (adjective)
good or well.