noun suffix object case ending (proximal), during
Is suffixed to the object in a sentence and also turns verbs into nouns in the object case. This is a specified object case suffix. This also means "during" when attached to verbs.
"Hani' mei-shi üü nüümü-neika ma-gia-ti" mii 'itaw̃a-gü-ti.
"Why are you giving it to those people?" he said for me.
Sühübü-neika wokita io kima.
Come here by skirting the willow.
Ta-gweigini-neika a-zagudodohi.
Start our car.
Tutuapi'-eika a-na-yaduha-tüngü-na-ii maa-no'o-tomo-daa a-daduha-na.
That is the amount of years the kids have asked to speak the language.
Ü-gwoobi-neika a-wünaatsu'i.
Comb your hair.
Podo-w̃eika ini'i üü a-zagwei-doa-pü.
You could reach it like this with the stick.
A-zikida-si ü-gumasaa'-eika a-diaga ono'oho üü tüka-noo-wei ta-w̃ia-ku-soka.
Scoop some jam and apply it to your bread then you can eat that as we go.
Ü-daw̃a-neika puhaga-uu ü-zasutuhi-gü-wei.
The doctor will take your tooth out for you.
Ono'oho nasümü-baa-taa-su toyobi-neika tsaw̃u-su a-wan-dugu sünei.
And then bless everywhere on the mountains.
Yongo'-oka tongoa-ti Tabewano'-eika-büü tsawu-du.
Yesterday it was cloudy. Today is nice.
Ü-maya-neika a-mashinga ü-mabüta-neika.
Put your hand into your sleeve.
Tünaa-ya' üügwa ni-kaani'i-naha-neika a-wadzi-patsa-dü.
You guys are just killing our cows secretively.
Kadu' watsi-nia-wei üi-adaduha-meika a-düsüya-kaa-si-uka.
Once you get used of your language you won't be quite lost.
Ü-zipuki'i-kaa nüü i-wihi-meika.
I'll poke you with my knife.
Mahu tsikini'-eika a-nobi-gwae-tugu mia-si noyobi-ga-ti tü-dü-w̃ayaha-wei-na.
She's going into the chicken house to collect eggs for her mixing
A-güw̃abaa katü-ti ayabü-neika.
They stay by these lava rocks.
Ihi wihi-neika i-wüshubida-na.
This is my favorite knife.
Tsügwüda ü-mubi-neika pipobü-w̃an-dugu a-w̃usidu.
Blow your nose hard into the paper.
Nüü-büno' i-duhanado'o-neika tü-bbatsaga-wei.
I will wash my undershirt.
Mahu sei-ku-si-uka üdzü'ü-wei paya-ii - pahükabi-neika a-na-yunita-na-ii sei-wei apo-wae-tugu.
Once that melts the water will get cold. The ice will melt into the bowl.
Nüü i-dzapono-tsi'-eika a-zapono-ya-wei.
I will put on my little hat.
Hani' tü-dü-w̃aampa'i-wei-neika suma'i-ti.
He's thinking of what he's going to make.
Üü-wa' maa-teika a-wüpidoo-ko-si mia-wei ianaha tei-w̃ia-ku-soka?
Are you going to strap that on when we go over there?
Kuna-neika paya-uu nasümü-gu aataga a-zanu'a-tei-ku.
The water has moved the wood in that direction.
Padiitü'-eika a-yuna-mia.
Go along and set out the plates.
Üdü'ü-daa paya-neika nii-banoo-gü-ki.
Bring the hot water for us.
Aniku üü a-subasa-ti hano ü-biagü-naha-neika.
Now you know where your caterpillars are at.
A-paakü-neika mahu tüka-dü.
That one eats the sunflowers.
A-wüpidoo süta' ono'oho mahu kadu' ü-gwükama-gü-wei ü-kohi-neika.
Wear it around the waist lightly and then it won't make your stomach sore.
Püyü-ii pa'a ia na-bakia-ti paya-neika.
The duck is on top of the water bathing.
Ü-gwanaaha'-eika ma-züü-dei.
Count those cards.
Siki'ibaa tü-gwihibusi-neika wünoo-pü.
He's wearing his glasses to the side.
I-'aapono-neika i-zhagwi'i-gü.
Weigh my apples.
mahu-büno’ paya-neika a-hibi-ti.
he, though, is drinking water.